The Challenge
Our capstone challenge was that we needed to create a digital solution focused on improving quality education. That’s when it struck my one team member David Diamond, with the idea of using nursery rhymes and music as a way to help beginners learn new languages. The process of designing our solution was split into 3 different iterations where each member assumed one of the following positions at least once: Business Analyst, UX Designer, and Visual Designer. The time frame and required deliverables increased with each iteration.
Project By: David Diamond, Kaitlin English, Emilia Lilek, Shayla Mcguire, Matia Roglic, and Alexandria Yeung
The Solution
SLANG is a music language learning app prototype that is focused on improving the quality of language education that uses music as a fun, interactive, and effective teaching tool to learn French. More specifically we use nursery rhymes and classroom songs because they are simple, repetitive, and recognizable, making it easier for users to retain language. Our focus was on creating an experience for 18 - 25 year old English speakers who have very little or no French knowledge.
The app is broken down into 3 sections Listen, Practice, and Play. By keeping convenience at the forefront and creating enjoyable ways to practice and learn language, users will be more motivated to continue what they started.
Link to the interactive prototype: click me

Layout examples staying within our branding

Graphics & Illustrations